Tailored Service

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Item 1

How can customer service be kept alive, and thrive, in an industry that is increasingly transactional?

With the ever-increasing pressure to reduce prices at every step of the design and manufacturing process, and the difficulty of matching those reductions with commensurate reductions in costs, the resulting tug toward each project step becoming a transaction rather than a collaboration makes adding value more and more of a challenge.

You're approached to design a display and provide the engineering drawings for the concept to the client. The client then uses your ideas and drawings to bid out the manufacturing work.

The investment you've made in personnel and time, as well as the care and nurturing of the idea, mean you know exactly what will go into the manufacture of the display. The nuances as well as the nuts and bolts.

Which means the price you propose is likely to be the truest representation of what will really be required to successfully execute the design.

But the lowest price usually wins the day.

You know that by collaborating to design the display you've added true value to your customer. The manufacture is more than a transaction.

How do you get that across? How do we help you?

We tailor our processes to meet your needs so you can offer your client a complete turnkey concept to customer program.


Item 2

How good things come from meeting the client's needs.

What percentage of installations that fail or have issues is an acceptable number?

How much time and manpower do you spend dealing with those issues and failed jobs?

How many late nights do you spend? How many dinners with your family do you miss? And how much sleep do you lose?

And as the reports come in, how much work do you have to do to collate, evaluate, and translate data into information?

When the project is complete and the metrics are reviewed, what will your performance be? How confident are you in the field team's determination and perseverance? We build confidence. We can help.

Bridge builds the plan for every project on a foundation of meeting your needs.


Item 3

Expect more.

We often talk about Nick when we describe the skill, determination, and perseverance of our installers.

Here's an example:

Recently, Nick made a visit to a store for a minor repair. He completed the repair, then inspected the other displays in the set.

He discovered there were other issues that had not been reported. Some of the issues affected the client's field reps (problems with drawers). At least one had the potential to become a liability issue.

Nick contacted us to review the issues, and his recommended solutions.

Because of our up front planning, we had pre-approval from our client to address such issues when discovered.

Nick's customer service led to action which resolved the issues on that visit, saving our client money! We can help you, too, with exceptional customer service.









This is what we do. Focus on the best way to provide the best service for you. No off-the-shelf process. We listen to you. Understand what you need done and how you need it done. Then tailor a process for your project that is efficient and effective.