How good things come from meeting the client's needs.


# of Stores


Set types






High volume, high velocity projects require a lot of planning, a lot of management time, and a lot of follow up. They are the kind of projects that keep project managers up at night. You know the drill: every issue takes 10 emails or 20 phone calls to address. And if there are more than a couple of issues, there's going to be a lot of caffeine needed to get through them.

We realized early in the planning process for one such project that we needed a reporting process that gave us real-time information about the success of each installation right from the store. While the crew was still there.

First, we developed a set of 'rule books' that clearly defined what the expectation was for success among 34 different set types across 1800 stores.

Then we implemented a reporting mechanism for the crews to upload their results on a template on their smart phones. Our managers would review the results before the crew would leave the store. Any issues could be addressed right then. Out of 1800 stores, we had 0 revisits due to installer error!

Sweet dreams!


What we’ve accomplished:



The Rule Books gave each installation team a clear picture of what each set type should look like when finished along with details to help them confirm that everything has been done correctly.



The smart phone report templates were built so when the installation team entered the store number, the address details and set type for that store came up automatically. The template asked only the questions pertinent for that particular set type. Focused. Precise.



When the installation crew had completed their work and validated for themselves against the Rule Book, they submitted their on line report from the store. Our managers reviewed the report immediately and either confirmed the work was 100% correct or contacted the crew to make adjustments. The result was that every store was 100% correct before the crew left the store.